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Prix Henri Pousseur 2023

Every two years, a special prize awards a young composer from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in Belgium.
The Henri Pousseur Prize consists in the commission of a mixed work created by the Ensemble Hopper. The winner receives the support of the technical team of the Centre Henri Pousseur.

Amount of the prize: 2000€.

Deadline : 20th june 2023

Award Terms:
– Enrolled as composer (student or graduated) at one of the three Conservatories of the French community (Brussels, Liège, Mons) or at the IMEP.
– The age limit for the competition is 35 years old at the last day of the application deadline.
– Providing a detailed biography and a proof of enrollment from the Chair of the institute (enrollment or graduation).
– Sending :
1. the score and recording of a mixed music work
2. the score and recording of a piece of your own choice.

The jury reserves the right not to award any prize.

Send applications to :

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